Automotive Clinics

     Since 1993, Opinion Search has recruited and staffed automotive studies for a variety of clients throughout the United States and Canada.  These studies have been both static and drive and have ranged in complexity from simple focus groups to large multiple vehicle segment studies spanning 10 days or more.  We have recruited owners/drivers of vehicles from entry level coupes up to premium luxury sedans and SUVs, as well as pickup trucks.  Venues have been in all parts of the U.S. and Canada, including California, Georgia, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Texas, Nova Scotia and many others.

     In addition to recruiting, we have also provided  experienced, professional staff who are sensitive both to clients’ needs and security issues for interviewing, check-in/check-out and on-site recruiting for follow-up focus groups.

"The compact sports car study you recruited for Dorey Global Consulting & Research held in Long Beach, California was a tremendous success.  Overall, we experienced an 87.5% show rate.  This is a remarkable performance, especially in southern Calfornia.  Equally important to the show rate, all were “good quality” respondents.

The effectiveness and quality of Opinion Search’s recruiting has consistently contributed to projects that run smoothly and to end-client satisfaction.  A high show rate of quality respondents helps me win projects.  My clients can expect effective research, and I can bid more efficiently than competitors that must budget for higher over-recruits and higher pay-and-sends for poor quality respondents.

Thanks for your efforts and for helping Dorey Global Consulting & Research to shine."


E. Layton Dorey
Dorey Global Consulting & Research

"Opinion Search has been a valued partner for more than seven years.  They have consistently supported our marketing research efforts by providing both recruiting and interviewing support for various types of research.  They make it their business to understand our business, which makes for a worry-free collaboration.  They deliver time and again without fail and I highly recommend them."


Shannon Sheppard
NOP Automotive

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